Are you ready to transform your mindset, enjoy more happiness + less stress, and reclaim your vitality? 
Welcome to the Velocity Membership!

Welcome to Life in Flow

If you're looking for the best way to begin exploring what it takes to live a healthier lifestyle, FLOW is designed to fit into your busy schedule.  

Join us live online for our Sunday Reset Session, or catch the replay in the Members Area. You'll also have access to a recorded meditation created to support the focus of the month, along with a new image every week with an affirmation or inspirational quote that you can download to use as wallpaper on the home screen of your cell phone for motivation at your fingertips.

Move yourself into momentum with the Velocity Membership!
Flow level

3rd Sunday Reset Session 

Monthly Recorded Meditation 

Weekly Affirmation Graphics to display on the home screen of your cellphone
Price: FREE!  
(Really!!  Amazing, right?  Sign up now)
Image be Belle Co via
Fill out the form below to join the FLOW membership level ​and begin to discover
just how easy it is to build resilience + create more balance in your life. 
Just checking...  because FLOW is awesome, but there are more tools available for you inside the Velocity membership!  
If you want support throughoout the month, with a short video training designed to inspire new ideas and fun activites designed to empower you with do-able action steps, take a look at ORBIT.  
Take a look at life in ORBIT
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I look forward to seeing you inside the Velocity Membership! 
 Thanks for joining my movement to help people live with 
less stress + more flow.​

©3x Less Stress by Vine Therapy. All rights reserved.